                of YFT of Canada Home Page The Yee Fung Toy of Canada celebrates 107th Anniversary




全加余風采總堂總堂主席、副主席、顧問、理事、風采校友、馬氏世表、 謝氏世表及數十名余氏宗親齊集位於温哥華華埠喬治亞東街二二六號的堂所,舉行隆重祭祖儀式, 慶祝加拿大余風采總堂成立一百零七週年誌慶,發揚加拿大余風采堂一家親精神,並聯絡各余氏男女宗人、 朋友及家人的情誼。

當日嘉賓包括加拿大聯邦國會議員黃陳小萍博士、 馬氏世表和謝氏世表、風采校友等蒞臨致賀。 典禮儀式由副交際主任余冠栢主持。

今年慶典開始前首先由温哥華余風采堂康樂組唱堂歌、接著祭祖儀式,由余風采總堂余根洙主席帶領出席的理事及會員向始祖行禮如儀, 隨即舉行紀念典禮。




跟著加拿大馬氏宗親總會理事長馬清石、謝氏宗親會主席謝錫龍致詞,余瑞芝宗長讀祝詞。 總堂副主席余耀祥致謝詞,代表風采堂多謝各位的光臨。


禮成後余風采堂堂所設有豐富美點饗眾、包括謝氏世表婦女們送來精心泡製家鄉風味美點、令大家享盡口福。 在此致謝福利組主任余啟康和義工人員們安排這個活動,特別是要多謝余根洙夫婦、余詠本夫婦、 余健民夫婦及余漢銳夫婦捐贈金豬全蹄,給我們大家在下午慶典後 和晚宴中分享。




一年一度的春宴,是全加余氏宗親團聚最大的活動。 當晚出席的貴賓有中國駐温哥華總領館梁梳根總領事,卑詩省大法官余宏榮伉儷、 温哥華市議員周炯華、市議員雷建華、西雅圖余風采堂主席余汝深伉儷、顧問余海量伉儷、馬氏世表、謝氏世表、風采校友會、 烈治文校區學務委員歐澤光博士、溫哥華警察局余玉珍督察及各僑團首長連同本埠男女宗親。



晚宴聯歡會節目開始由余風采堂青年組醒獅隊及馬氏體育會醒獅隊聯合在臺上賀歲、 僅此致余風采堂青年組醒獅隊及馬氏體育會醒獅隊!


總堂主席余根洙在宣佈宴會旨趣中歡迎在座嘉賓、世表、僑領、西雅圖余氏宗親遠道到來和本地宗親的熱烈捧場,共襄盛舉,倍感榮幸。 他祝大家在新的一年裏,所有人都能心想事成,日子一年更比一年好! 接著他宣佈世界余氏宗親總會第五屆懇親大會暨全加余風采堂第十六屆懇親大會謹訂於二零一二年八月四日(星期六)至八月七日 (星期二)在温哥華舉行,由世界 余氏宗親總會主辦,加拿大余風采總堂協辦,歡迎大家踴躍報名參與。


然後余風采總堂賀我堂青年精英「余玉珍」警官榮升溫哥華埠市警督察,得到前任正副警察局長到賀,場面熱鬧。 實為余氏之光,好喜可賀!。


今年大會的文娛節目還安排了溫哥華松柏之聲合唱團進行大合唱三首賀年歌曲。 該合唱團由羅慧芝領導十多位長者組成,他們訓練有素,歌聲宏亮,最高齡九十一歲,總歲數超過一千歲。

接下來的節目有風釆校友唱「歡樂年年」、風采歌唱班合唱「歡樂中國年」及「迎春花」給大家聽、 余金星宣讀出席嘉賓僑團芳名。

余風采總堂延續其重視教育、每年頒發一次獎學金給全加各分堂,其目標是: 鼓勵堂員子女勤奮向學,爭取好成績,獲取知識,長大成為國家社會有用的人才。 宴會中温哥華余風采堂教育基金組余耀祥理事、 和余金星理事主持頒發二零零九至年二零一零年度温哥華余風采堂獎學金, 給該堂堂員就讀於小學至大學的學業成績優良余氏的子女,學生們一齊上台領獎,共有二十二位同學得獎。


小學組: 余國秀、余自強、余世俊、余文秀。

中學組: 余美秀、余世平、余慧姿、余杏秀、余慧欣、余曉淇、余寶玉、余榮光、余曉正、余恩秀、余安娜、余俊朗、余清秀、 余珍秀及余信行。


大學組: 余仲行、余詠茵及余知行。



這晚大家方在互道珍重聲中,盡歡而散。 嘉賓們、世表們、余氏宗親們,明年再見!


Celebrating the 107th Anniversary of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada celebrated its 107th anniversary and the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit on March 12, 2011.

The ancestor ritual started at 12:00 noon in the YFT House on 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. where Chairman Mr. Kan Yu, the YFT advisors, and the Board of directors made offerings to our ancestor Yee Chung-sheung.

Rose Yee helped Secretary Martin Yee to pin the carnation onto his jacket before the ancestor ceremony.

Albert Yu emceed the afternoon ceremony. Great job, Albert!

Members of the women choir sang the YFT song...

Distinguished guests who attended this ceremony include Dr. Alice Wong, Member of Parliament for Richmond, Parliamentary Secretary of Multiculturalism; Fung Toy Alumni and our cousins from the Mah Society and the Tse Clansman Association.

Vice-Chair James Yu gave a very enjoyable and brief welcoming speech.

Canada Mah Society Chairman Fred Mah and Tse Clansman Association of Vancouver President ,Mr. Lawrence Der gave warmth greeting speeches to the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada members and guests, followed by Mr. Shui Chi Yu, who read out all the congratulatory letters.


107th Anniversary Ceremony ended after Vice Chair Phillip Yu gave his thank-you speech to attending guests.

Everyone enjoyed the afternoon snacks, thanks to the Tses Clansman Association Women's Group once more for providing us a variety of home made delicious Dim Sums.

Guests lining up for their lunch buffet, set up by Stephen Yee, Vice-Chair of the YFT Society of Vancouver.

Around 6pm, guests start arriving for the evening reception. The stage was decorated with flower baskets from the Seattle Yee Family Association, the Mah Society, the Tse Clansman Association and the Sunkist Flower Shop.

Our emcees for the evening banquet were Kayla Yu and Andrew Chen. The YFT Lion dancing team and the Mah's Athletic Club's Lion dancing team helped us to celebrate Year of the Rabbit. Thanks to the members of the YFT Youth group and the Mah Athletic Club for their wonderful performances.

Distinguished guests who attended our Spring Banquet include Consul General of the PRC at Vancouver Mr. Liang Shugen; The Honourable Judge William F. W. Yee, Provincial Court of British Columbia; City Councilor George Chow, Fung Toy Alumni and our cousins from the Mah Society and the Tse Clansman Association.

This year, we have a very special guest from the VPD (Vancouver Police Department), the newly promoted Inspector, Ms. Jeannie Yee. Congratulations!

Phillip Yu, and James Yu emceed the Vancouver YFT Scholarship Awards. 22 outstanding students received scholarship awards this year.

Four students were from the Elementary level: Megan Yu, Winson Yee, Cameron Yee and Natalie Yu.

Fifteen students were from the Secondary level: Ashley Yu, Christopher Yee, Carina Yee, Allison Yu, Alvina Yee, Brandon Yee, Kimberly Yee, Nicholas Yee, Maurice Yu, Nicole Yu, Anna Yee, Jackson Yu, Kayla Yu, Miranda Yu and Peter Yu.

Three were from University level: James Yu, Polly Yu and Alvis Yu. Congratulations!

Esther Yue emceed the entertainment portion of the program. Guest singers include Seattle guest Tony Ching.

This anniversary celebration was a tremendous success! Thanks to the volunteers and YFT board members who helped to organize this annual event. Special thanks to our talented emcees Kayla Yu and Andrew Chen for a job well done! Hope to see you all next year.

Photo courtesy of Pauline Tom, Wai Fong Yee, Thomas Yee, Allison Yu, Dana Mah, Peter Ly (Ellen Yee's friend) and Martin Yee.

Martin Yee